Welcome to The College project (Senior) with Kristi Steele

We’ve all heard of students who know where they are applying for college and maybe even have had identified their major(s) and were set and ready to apply. But how did they actually get there? How do YOU get there?

Maybe you have an idea of where you want to apply, but you don’t know how to get from “I think this could be an option for me” (or “I don’t know!”) to “here’s my college list and this is how it will work for me!”

I’m here to give you the exact, step-by-step support you deserve to make your dream a reality.

I’m here to help you make it happen!

The College Project (Senior) offers intentional components to help you reflect on colleges that best fit you, build 3-5 university profiles, and develop your unique elevator pitch and application completion calendar. This course also includes Senior-level material such as understanding application styles, deadlines, essays, and supplements. If you have completed The College Project (Junior), the Senior course builds on that foundation, further developing your knowledge in application strategy and preparation.

“Where are you going to college?” or “What do you want to major in?”

These can be the most dreaded and overwhelming questions. The College Project is the solution! Build a list of universities that are ideal for you and an application strategy to help you succeed during college application season!

This will result in 3-5 universities the student plans to apply to and an application strategy. An intentional strategy for high school Seniors to use in their college search and admission decisions.

Elevate Your College Applications: A Proven Strategy for Success. Do you want to take your college list to the next level? Of course, you do. But here’s the secret: It’s not just about the list. It’s about the strategy.

Imagine this: A rock-solid game plan that doesn’t just include your top-choice schools but also elevates your entire application process. We’re talking about building a strategy that covers all the bases – from crafting your base essay to curating your elevator pitch, and even mapping out a detailed application completion calendar.

Picture this: You, armed with a powerful strategy that showcases your strengths and unique qualities, standing head and shoulders above the competition. This isn’t just a plan. It’s your blueprint for success. Enroll now for only $150!

This is your moment. Let’s build a college application strategy that sets you up for nothing less than success.

Ready to elevate your future?

TRUTH TIME… Let’s bust some myths!


Reality: Colleges seek well-rounded students. While good grades and test scores are important, they also look for extracurricular activities, leadership roles, volunteer work, and unique talents.

You’re in the right place.

Myth 3: Your Essay Needs to Be a Grand, Life-Changing Story

Reality: Authenticity matters more than grandeur. A sincere and personal story that reflects your true self can be very compelling.

You’re in the right place.

Myth 2: You Need to Participate in Every Activity

Reality: Quality over quantity is more valued. Colleges prefer students who show commitment to a few activities and who show diversity as interests change.

You’re in the right place.

Myth 4: It’s Impossible to Get into a Good College Without a High SAT/ACT Score

Reality: Many colleges are test-optional and place significant weight on other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, essays, and recommendations.

You’re in the right place.


Here’s what we’re going to do:

Build Your Strategy: We’ll create a personalized roadmap tailored to your goals and aspirations.
Craft Your Base Essay: A compelling narrative that tells your story in a way that grabs attention and doesn’t let go.
Curate Your Elevator Pitch: Perfect your pitch to make an unforgettable impression in interviews and networking.
Form Your Application Completion Calendar: A clear, step-by-step timeline to ensure you meet every deadline with confidence and ease.

If you’re ready to…

  • Identify potential majors for college.
  • Learn the exact steps to apply to college.
  • Reduce the overwhelm about considering colleges.
  • Develop an application strategy which works for you.
  • Finally, get started.


If you’re tired of…

  • Being asked what you want to major in.
  • Wondering where you might go to college.
  • Getting frustrated that you haven’t started.
  • Trying to figure it out on your own.
  • Feeling like you aren’t qualified to get scholarships.
  • Staying stuck because of the stress and pressure.


Take a peak at what’s included


LET’S TALK AND FIND OUT IF the college project (senior) IS RIGHT FOR YOU

Sure, the College Project (Senior) gives you everything you need for you to identify potential majors and build university profile lists and create a strategy for application season, step by step. I share admission expert insights, financial aid and scholarship resources, and ready-to-go templates – but maybe you wonder if it’s the right time?

Maybe you’re wondering if it’s the right for you? Let’s talk, so your questions can be answered. Book a 15-minute chat to explore if the College Project (Senior) is the right fit for you at this time!




I’m so confident that you’ll love this course, I’m making your investment risk-free. If you can demonstrate that you’ve performed the assignments and you’re still unsatisfied after 14 days, we’ll issue a 100% refund.


You can do this.

You can build your college list and reduce the stress around it now! I created The College Project to show you everything I’ve learned and give you the step-by-step instructions you need to avoid the guesswork and build a college list that reflects you.


  • College Project Introduction
    • College Project Introduction
  • The College Project: About Me
    •  Creating Your “About Me” Section (A)
    • Creating Your “About Me” Section (B)
  • The College Project: Criteria to Consider Fit
    • Criteria to Consider What Colleges and Universities “Fit” You (A)
    • Criteria to Consider What Colleges and Universities “Fit” You (B)
    • FIT: TCK Support and Why It Matters (Lipscomb Univ)
    • FIT: Searching for College (Lancaster Bible College)
    • Collegiate Topic: What is the Value of a Liberal Arts Institution and Degree?
  • The College Project: Academic Overview
    • Your Academic Overview
  • The College Project: Career Interest Survey
    • Career Interest Survey
    • FIT: Building Soft Skills for College and Beyond
  • The College Project: Character Assessment
    • Character Assessment (Strengths/Weaknesses)
  • The College Project: Potential Majors and Potential Jobs
    • Potential Majors and Connecting to Potential Jobs/Careers
    • FIT: Career and Calling – is there a Difference?
  • The College Project: University Profiles
    • University Profiles
    • Final List Complete!
  • The College Project: App Types, Deadlines, and Strategies
    • College App Types and Deadlines
    • Strategies for Each Application Type
    • Ways to Apply to Universities
  • The College Project: Essay and Supplements
    • Essay & Supplements
    • 15 Essay Tips
    • Structuring Your College Essay
    • Common Application Prompts
    • Supplemental Essays
  • The College Project: Elevator Pitch
    • Crafting Your Elevator Pitch
  • The College Project: Completion Calendar
    • Completion Calendar
  • The College Project: Presentation Meeting
    • When your content is completed…
    • We want your feedback!